Posts Under ‘climate skeptics’ Category

The Climate Ground War Grinds On

Here’s the publisher promo for James Lawrence Powell’s new book, The Inquisition of Climate Science: Modern science is under the greatest and most successful attack in recent history. An industry of denial, abetted by news media and “info-tainment” broadcasters more interested in selling controversy than presenting facts, has duped half the American public into rejecting…Continue Reading…

Climate Skeptics: Crazy as They Want to Be

Serious, science-based climate skeptics have a chance to separate themselves from the foaming-at-the-mouth lunacy that defines their public image. I mention this because I know that some of you skeptics chafe at the buffoonish antics of Christopher Monckton and the sweeping declarations of Republican Senator James Inhofe. As science writer David Brin has written (which I…Continue Reading…

That Skewed Rasmussen Survey on Global Warming

In order to support their own theories and beliefs about global warming, how likely is it that some climate skeptics would buy into this poll, hook, line and sinker? If you liked that question, you’ll love this one from Rasmussen Reports: In order to support their own theories and beliefs about global warming, how likely is…Continue Reading…

Who's Peddling Climate Bunk?

Darn, I missed this show by just a few days. (I was in Boulder, Colorado much of last week.) I would have loved to hear from two prominent climate skeptics on how I’m part of the “brainwashed” media. BTW, I spent much of my time in Boulder visiting with climate scientists at NCAR. I’ll let…Continue Reading…

Anthony Watts' Phony, Selective Outrage

Anthony Watts, the proprietor of the well known climate skeptic blog, WUWT, seems to have a double standard on what constitutes an insult to ethnic groups. Watts is making a big deal out of some recent comments by Timothy Wirth, a former U.S. senator and now the president of the UN Foundation, who reportedly said this…Continue Reading…

A Climate Olive Branch

Leo Hickman in the Guardian takes stock of some recent encouraging developments and muses: Could peace talks ever end the ‘climate war’? In his article, he wonders, are there any shared goals between the two warring parties in the climate debate worth finding “peace” for? Towards the end, he sums up: When so much of…Continue Reading…

A Climate Convert Roils the Waters

This is an interesting and peculiar “conversion story” of a climate skeptic who is now persuaded that anthropogenic global warming is real. The piece offers some excellent advice to the left and right sides of the debate, but it also contains standard conservative hyperbole about Al Gore (“He’s clearly looking to ride global warming to…Continue Reading…

Beware of Green Tyranny

That’s the theme of this bizarre confab soon to roll into Los Angeles. Featured speakers include numerous climate skeptics, such as Lord Monckton, Benny Peiser, and Richard Lindzen. The organization sponsoring the conference, the American Freedom Alliance, has a few other other notable obsessions.  Leo Hickman at the Guardian reports that the group has promoted…Continue Reading…

Wegman Paper Retracted, Watts Growls

Anthony Watts bites down hard on sour grapes after reading the big news yesterday in USA Today. More on that in a minute. So Dan Vergano breaks the story and offers this helpful background: The study, which appeared in 2008 in the journal Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, was headed by statistician Edward Wegman of George Mason University…Continue Reading…

Watts All Wet Over Dirty Words

The curmudgeons and scolds are braying at WUWT over this Australian rap video. How crude! How offensive! How naughty! How…unsurprising. Once upon a time, lots of people got all riled up over this guy and his swiveling hips. Imagine. These were bad boys, too (and one of my favorite all time bands). Anyway, for Anthony or…Continue Reading…