Posts Under ‘Journalism’ Category

Climate Gutterball

What are we to make of the ugly campaign still being waged against Andy Revkin for this piece, and, in a parallel effort, against Roger Pielke, Jr, who, in mid February had pointed out that climate data was misrepresented in a Gore slide show at the AAAS conference? What are we to make of Michael…Continue Reading…

Climate Furies

By now, Andy Revkin must feel like a tackling dummy. All this week, numerous liberal bloggers have singed him for this piece he wrote on the misrepresentation of climate data, in which he essentially equated Al Gore with George Will. Gore’s camp has taken offense, respected scientists have registered their disapproval, and  climate change ideologues…Continue Reading…

Whipping up the Mob

Last May, shortly before I left Audubon Magazine (where I was an editor for eight years), I received a flurry of angry calls from around the country. None of these people knew me; they were trying to reach John Flicker, National Audubon Society’s President. My phone extension had become mistaken with the organization’s main number…Continue Reading…

Passion of the Scold

Another day, another screed from Joseph Romm. Joe, do you have any idea how shrill this latest broadside against the New York Times sounds?  Yes, there is legitimate debate to be had over the merits of comparing Al Gore to George Will, which is what science reporter Andrew Revkin does in this Times piece published…Continue Reading…

Media Malpractice or Enviro Tantrum?

This absurd post by Joseph Romm, in which he accuses The New York Times of “media malpractice” due to supposed errant climate change coverage in several recent stories, reveals a doctrinaire mindset on the relationship between global warming and natural disasters that is becoming all too common in environmentalists. Romm is ticked off because, among…Continue Reading…