Posts Under ‘select’ Category

Conspiracy Mongering Defies Political and Ideological Labels

A recent survey on conspiracy beliefs in the United States attracted a lot of media attention. The first question: Do you believe global warming is a hoax, or not? Do …………………………………………………………. 37% Do not ……………………………………………………. 51% Not sure …………………………………………………. 12% The political breakdown, according to the poll, found that “Republicans say global warming is a…Continue Reading…

The Accidental Crop Cop

I didn’t get into journalism to be a media watchdog, but it’s become one facet of my career since I started this blog in 2009. Curtis Brainard, the science editor at the Columbia Journalism Review, has taken note of my GMO-related posts and articles and written a nice appraisal. Here’s an excerpt:

Progressives Have a Science Battle to Wage

When the crusade against evolution emerged, scientists and educators and the skeptic movement rose to the battle. When the crusade against vaccines was in full throttle, scientists and the skeptic movement confronted the fear-mongering campaign, (while the media fed it). When the crusade against climate science got ugly, scientists fought back and when political action on climate change stalled, greens…Continue Reading…

Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Anti-Science?

I’m looking forward to seeing the video and transcript of Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s keynote speech at this year’s AutismOne/Generation Rescue conference. This is the annual confab of the anti-vaccine movement, where all the diehards gather to share their latest pseudoscience, quack therapies and conspiracy theories. Last year’s keynote address was given by actress Jenny McCarthy….Continue Reading…

Gary Null, Cultivator of Dangerous Woo, Plants Seeds of Death

There was a time when Gary Null, a popular alternative health speaker and author, was the Deepak Chopra of nutrition. He’s written best-selling books (one of them about reversing the aging process) and like Chopra, has been featured by PBS during fundraising drives. Nearing 70, Null was in the news several years ago when he sued…Continue Reading…

Why GMO Myths Are So Appealing and Powerful

Guest post by Cami Ryan, a Canadian agricultural researcher: Last week, an executive with a biotech trade group asserted in an interview that it wasn’t too late to win the hearts and minds of consumers suspicious of genetically modified foods. Biotech advocates just need to do a better job of explaining the technology and its…Continue Reading…


Whatever your opinion of the worldwide protest against Monsanto this past weekend, one thing is true: It deserved media coverage. Lots of noisy people with colorful signs took to the streets to voice their opposition to GMOs and the company that has come to symbolize them. It was an event tailor made for TV. So…Continue Reading…

Are You Crazy, Stupid, Ignorant, or Just Cognitively Biased?

The world is full of people who hold whacky views. This doesn’t make them nuts or stupid. We can mock Donald Trump for being a birther, but this doesn’t make him a crazy person. We can ridicule Senator James Inhofe for believing that global warming is a big hoax cooked up by a cabal of…Continue Reading…

The Cartoonish March Against Monsanto

Because the crazy train on genetically modified foods has already left the station, I’m puzzled by the headline of a recent post: Biotechnology Industry Organization: It’s not too late to change the conversation on GMOs That’s the equivalent of the IPCC saying, “It’s not too late to change the conversation on climate change.” If you…Continue Reading…

The Forces that Narrow the Climate Debate

Last week on Twitter I lamented the simplistic public discourse on climate change, how it’s often framed by those who dismiss the legitimate concerns of a warming planet and those who play up those concerns. American Politicians, especially those with leadership positions in the Republican and Democratic parties, could steer the debate into calmer waters…Continue Reading…