Monthly Archives : May 2009

The Green Insurgents

A few years back, these two guys audaciously pronounced the death of environmentalism. That didn’t go over too well with established greens. Since then, they’ve published a sequel and opened up a storefront to sell a new brand of environmentalism. All this has triggered an odd turf war, including drive-by blasts from the likes of…Continue Reading…

What Goes Around

It’s not often you see this issue examined, much less in a leading environmental magazine. So what about that Presidential appointee merry-go-round, where industry and greens take their turns running the Interior Department, the Forest Service et al? The High Country News story spurred a lively debate among its readers that seemed to illustrate, as…Continue Reading…

A Testy Affair

What I like most about the folks at Real Climate is that they’ll engage their adversaries. And these exchanges reveal an important dimension to the climate debate. So with that I recommend this seething caldron, where Gavin Schmidt and Chip Knappenberger go mano a mano over the latter’s economic assessment of the Waxman-Markey bill.

The Hansen Effect

Imagine that: an actual debate on the merits of cap and trade versus a carbon tax breaks out in the blogosphere, courtesy of James Hansen. That doesn’t hurt so bad, does it Joe?

Sneeze On Me

From pandemic panic to party mode–all in one week.

Going in for the Kill

The wolf-pack is tearing away at Jared Diamond. Opportunity knocks: part of the reason…is to reclaim some of the ground among general readers lost to “experts” like Jared Diamond. With this series, and seek to capture that wider general audience for writings about anthropology. If the first essay is any indication of what’s…Continue Reading…

Dowie's Bombshell of a Book

Whoa, this headline should snap a few necks back: Is modern conservation linked with ethnic cleansing? It’s a link to this article by Mark Dowie, which is based on his new book, Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict Between Conservation and Native Peoples. Anyone who knows Mark Dowie (and is familiar with his last few books)…Continue Reading…

The Climate Debate Litmus Test

Nothing bugs me more than when so-called progressives have their own litmus test on political issues. In the last two days, blogger Joe Romm has taken his fellow climate advocate, Jim Hansen, to the woodshed (see here and here), because of Hansen’s vocal opposition to cap and trade. One irony is that Hansen, in this…Continue Reading…

The Value of Fakes

An archaeologist discovers a very curious thing: It appears that electronic buying and selling has actually hurt the antiquities trade. How can this be? The short answer is that many of the primary “producers” of the objects have shifted from looting sites to faking antiquities. I’ve been tracking eBay antiquities for years now, and from…Continue Reading…

That Explains It

I’m so naive. I had no idea Romm was dictating his posts. I had pegged him as the fanatical obsessive type, singularly focused, the way he cranked out those multiple 2,000 word-plus posts every day. So now I’m wondering: is this de riguer? Or am I misunderstanding his comment about the perils of voice dictation…Continue Reading…