Monthly Archives : July 2010

There Will Be Blood

That was the story of oil’s birth, and it will be the story of its abrupt decline, predicts Stacy VanDeveer, a political scientist at the University of New Hampshire. In the interim, he offers some food for thought: What are the implications for the existing petro states if we actually do bend the curve on…Continue Reading…

The Climate Risk Spectrum

The Economist, in a rather one-sided article, is dubious about the increasingly touted link between climate change and human conflict. It’s true that the “climate wars” narrative is starting to take on a life of its own. I’ve even used the term as a headline in a post. But it’s also obvious (from the comment…Continue Reading…

It Would be Nice

The previous thread on climate skeptics is a marvel in many ways, but I find myself looking for a segue into more productive territory. Fortunately, one commenter has laid out a path: It would be nice if all sides of this discussion would recognize that there are rational reasons for skepticism as well as for…Continue Reading…

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

That’s the clever tagline to an excellent cover story on climate skeptics in the new issue of Skeptic magazine. Alas, the actual article, which aims to distinguish between “Climate Skeptics” and “Climate Deniers,” is available only on newstands or by subscription. But because I’ve been trying to puzzle out the distinction myself of late, I’m…Continue Reading…