Monthly Archives : October 2010

Pond Scum Journalism

I don’t blog about TV journalism because I hardly watch TV anymore. But I know what I’m missing on CNN and Fox News, which David Rothkopf reaffirms with this meta commentary on the Rick Sanchez firing: The problem with CNN is in fact not that they failed to fire Sanchez more explicitly for his anti-Semitism,…Continue Reading…

Follow the Story

The crusading, hydra-headed anti-vaccine movement deserves more consistent coverage in the media. Here’s the title of today’s press release from the American Academy of Pediatrics: How the anti-vaccine movement threatens America’s children Paul Offit, a pediatrician and the author of “Autism’s False Prophets,” (who didn’t tour bookstores because of death threats he received from the…Continue Reading…

Bin Laden and Anthony Watts

There, what did you make of that headline? What’s entering your mind? Now head over to this post by Watts, and tell me what you think he’s up to. Well, one reader caught on pretty quick: Good on you Anthony, we need to get a link going in peoples minds between Bin Laden and the…Continue Reading…

Pushing Buttons

The British video that explodes people (including kids) for not agreeing to reduce their carbon footprint is triggering outrage from all sides of the climate spectrum. (See, for example the threads at WUWT and Climate Progress.) At first blush, I can understand why many are offended by the video. And I can see why climate…Continue Reading…

Whacking Science Journalists

There’s been a fair amount of fretting over science journalism lately. It’s taken the form of earnest criticism and parody. (For an arch rejoinder to the latter, see this post by one of the science reporters at The Economist.) Even Jay Rosen, whose meta mind scans of mainstream media tend to focus on political journalism,…Continue Reading…