Monthly Archives : January 2011

Quote of the Day

Here’s some sobering context from an archaeologist: If you look broadly at human history, failure is the norm. What’s amazing is when things last. That observation was made in reference to the Cahokia, a little known and little appreciated pre-Columbian empire that gets the full National Geographic treatment in its current issue.

Peak Sperm

Hmm, thanks to the modern diet, plastic take out containers, and our party hardy ways, maybe the planet’s population problem will take care of itself.

Nature: Main Climate Message is Backfiring

Captain climate doom (also known as Mr. Hell & High Water) is sure to snarl at the headline of this new Nature article and its lead sentence: The use of dire predictions to encourage action on climate change may be backfiring and increasing doubt that greenhouse gases from human activities are causing global warming. Question:…Continue Reading…

Orac's Pedantic Peeve

Earlier this week, Jonah Lehrer responded yet again to some of the criticism leveled at his recent New Yorker article. Orac, who wasn’t pleased with the article, is still not pleased with Lehrer’s defense of it. This is a case of an expert (Orac) thinking that he is the prime audience for a general interest…Continue Reading…

The Jester With His Hand Stretched Out

Marc Morano is touting this accolade that refers to him as a “master of parody.” Eager to live up to his billing, I see Marc is running this ad at the top of Climate Depot. I wonder if his funding is running out.

What War?

Every so often I think about why America doesn’t feel like a country at war. Richard Cohen, in his WaPo column today, reminds us why: The all-volunteer military has enabled America to fight two wars while many of its citizens do not know of a single fatality or even of anyone who has fought overseas….Continue Reading…

The Doomsday Chronicles, pt. 2

PZ Myers has a suggestion for the media: When apocalyptic cults come along and announce disaster and doom, ridicule them. Just rip into them, send your most sarcastic, cynical reporters to cover the story, and just shred all the followers as loons and gullible freaks.

T.S. Eliot and Climate Change

This is a fun little riff from Steven Hayward, one of the authors of the Post-partisan paper. I’m not sure who he means by the “climate establishment,” but this is a wickedly legitimate observation of the hardcore climate doom crowd: The climate campaign establishment increasingly looks like its own self-contained and self-referential lunatic asylum, unable…Continue Reading…

Cash for Social Fix Pays Dividends

Here’s an extraordinary program that is breaking the cycle of poverty in some parts of the world: In Mexico today, malnutrition, anemia and stunting have dropped, as have incidences of childhood and adult illnesses.  Maternal and infant deaths have been reduced.  Contraceptive use in rural areas has risen and teen pregnancy has declined.  But the…Continue Reading…

Anthony Watts Award

People have been teeing off on this