Blog Fungus
Is anyone linking to me besides roughneckworld, and (including its essential toefungusremoval/video)? Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about expanding my audience…
Is anyone linking to me besides roughneckworld, and (including its essential toefungusremoval/video)? Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about expanding my audience…
I see there’s a climate confab happening in Lisbon (I never got my invite). Something about reconciliation. I also see that the fate of the free world hangs on this meeting: The very survival of our democratic form of government is at stake…Climategate is our wake-up call: We are on the slippery slope that leads…Continue Reading…
It has to be tough for climate hawks today, as the unmistakable truth of their abandonment by President Obama sinks in. As a longtime Blues fan, I can appreciate their pain and want to do what I can to ease their suffering. But first, I ask my fellow New Yorkers and fellow Blues fanatics to…Continue Reading…
If presidential State of the Union addresses are a political barometer of sorts, then check this out for historical perspective: Here’s President Clinton in 1998 Our overriding environmental challenge tonight is the worldwide problem of climate change, global warming, the gathering crisis that requires worldwide action. The vast majority of scientists have concluded unequivocally that…Continue Reading…
Oh, the irony. A labor journalist who prostituted himself for free to The Huffington Post is peeved they canned him.
Well, that’s not happening anytime soon. But the wonks at the Center for a New American Security who write about energy and climate change issues have devised their own drinking game for tonight’s State of the Union Address. And they surely wouldn’t mind getting wasted: Rule #6: If the President deploys the words “climate change,”…Continue Reading…
So I’m curious to hear what climate skeptics think of James Delingpole’s shocking admission that he doesn’t have time to read peer reviewed climate science papers. (I think he said this with a straight face, too.) Delingpole said he relies instead on the “peer to peer” review that happens everyday on climate blogs. Well, no…Continue Reading…
Well, this is interesting. Just could be a fuzzy math problem, I guess.
This might be true: The United States continues to slumber while a catastrophe lies in wait. Increasing numbers of analysts and policymakers are warning of another super price spike for oil and the likelihood of “peak oil” more generally. But I wish the author good luck with this: It is time for public discussion of…Continue Reading…
The sequel. It’s coming.