Monthly Archives : January 2011

I'll be Doggone

Some ancient evidence for Fido being more than just man’s best friend.

A Day in the Life

Of a field archaeologist in Qatar: In the desert, sitting against a ruined wall, wind ripping through my context sheets, salty sand on my lips, skinned knuckles and bruised knees, I feel like myself again…I’m sure the sand and wind and sun will wear me down soon enough, but for now I’m relishing being back…Continue Reading…

Starting Over

Joshua Green at The Atlantic does a recap of just how far and fast U.S. climate hopes have fallen in the last two years. Weirdly, reading it reminded me of a recent football game I still can’t shake. (Do fans take this stuff harder than the players?) To appreciate the analogy, you have to understand…Continue Reading…

Alarmism Run Amok

There’s an interesting story making its way around the science blogosphere, involving the fallout from a whopping error in a recent NGO report that was (before the error became publicly known) widely picked up by the press. Charlie Petit at Science Journalism Tracker gets to the nub of it here: The news is that this…Continue Reading…

China Is Not Eating Our Lunch

On green tech, asserts Michael Levi: China is not crushing the United States in a clean energy race. And this myth isn’t merely wrong — it is also dangerous. Unwarranted fears of a clean energy competition threaten to spur a protectionist wave in the United States while squelching cooperation between the two countries — all…Continue Reading…

Dept of Misleading Headlines

Here’s a good one from Fox Nation: Dems Panicked over “Climategate” Probe You might think the reference is to Congressional Democrats, but you would be wrong. However, there is mounting evidence that some bloggers are getting antsy for House Republicans to get on with their promised climate carnival.

Doomsday Chronicles, cont'd

I love the title of this blog I just discovered: Global Change Watch: Peak Energy, Climate Change, and the Collapse of Global Civilization Any guesses (from the doomsday-is-imminent crowd) as to which will upend life as we know it first: peak energy or climate change?

The Real Climate Con

Finally, it’s revealed. Somebody alert Marc Morano at ClimateConFraudHoax headquarters. (Never mind, I’ll do it.)

The Secret to Blogging Success

Kiss celebrity ass. Lots of it: Mr. Eng posts about 65 items per day, seven days a week, from the moment he wakes up “” sometimes at 5 a.m. Sometimes he doesn’t sleep. Well, I got the no-sleeping part down, but that’s called kidz! So this nice-guy celebrity blogger lured 3.3  million unique visitors to…Continue Reading…

Licensed To Shag

Maybe those undercover police officers who had sex with eco-activists watched too many James Bond movies.