Monthly Archives : January 2011

Monbiot Fumes Over a List

I don’t get George Monbiot’s problem with this list of 20 “Green Giants” singled out by the Guardian’s Sunday Observer. Are such lists arbitrary and pure fluff? Sure. But Monbiot’s beef goes way beyond that: Much of the list was a catalogue of rich and powerful people who have now added green ““ or some…Continue Reading…

Stop the Presses

Here’s a great post at Climate Progress on solar power and the Southwest. I was all set to laud Joe Romm, too, until I read further and discovered it’s not from him, but a colleague of his cross-posting from another site. Oh well.

Doomsday Chronicles, cont'd

Quick, somebody buy Michael Tobis a new set of worry beads: The evidence is piling up that our circumstances are beyond our cognitive or managerial abilities. I’m more scared of that than of hundred degree oceans right now. I think at the present rate we will not manage to maintain what we are pleased to…Continue Reading…

Grist: Let's talk About Adaptation

Actually, it’s David Roberts at Grist, and he recommends that adaptation undergo a linguistic makeover to make it more palatable. More on that in a minute. What’s most notable about Roberts’ post is that he has had a change of heart on an issue that, based on my own anecdotal experience, will be met with…Continue Reading…

"Denialism" is Different on the Left

That’s Chris Mooney’s assertion, that it hasn’t become associated with liberals in a monolithic way as it has with American conservatives, especially in the political sense: just because denialism occurs sometimes on the left does not mean that in the U.S. today”“and particularly in mainstream U.S. politics”“it’s predominantly a left wing phenomenon. Mooney goes on…Continue Reading…

Loves Me, Loves Me Not

Last week, two tireless bloggers who are often highly critical of the media had opposite reactions to ABC, one of the major broadcast networks in the U.S. Joe Romm praised this segment on the recent floods in Australia and Brazil as one of the best climate change stories ever to appear on a major network’s…Continue Reading…

Talk to the Hand

Dear readers, you have spoken. And what I’m hearing based on the silence greeting my (admittedly vaguely sketched out) idea for a Bipartisan Climate Project is this. Now I’m willing to eat my humble pie, but I’m also prompted to place this stinker of a comment generator in some larger perspective. This also gives me…Continue Reading…

The Bipartisan Climate Project

The overwhelming consensus is that President Obama hit all the right notes in his Tucson speech earlier this week. I know I was moved and inspired by it. On the one hand the President said, “let us remember it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy — it did not,” but…Continue Reading…

Let's Wait Till the Fever Breaks

About that futility I was going on about yesterday, Kevin Drum nails it: Are the fever dreams of the right worse than the fever dreams of the left? I’d say they obviously are, but that’s a matter for evidence and argument, not listicles. But nobody on the right is ever going to acknowledge this anyway….Continue Reading…

Words Matter

Steve Walt at Foreign Policy makes his case: One problem, of course, is that causality in a case like this is always murky. When someone arrives at a public event and starts shooting people, how do we determine the relative weight of mental illness, personal experience, opportunity, lax gun-control laws, and the toxic soup of…Continue Reading…