Monthly Archives : January 2011

The Spirit Cons Her

Where does the Huffington Post find these people: I know I told you I was over astrologers, but I never said anything about clairvoyant healers. A friend of mine raved about Tori Quisling, so I had to meet her. Her readings supposedly guide and empower. What’s the harm in that? What’s the harm? How about…Continue Reading…

They Haunt His Dreams

I’ve been having a little fun with Jeff Id’s freaky freakouts about the leftist/socialist/Marxist plot take over Western civilization. Over at Lucia’s, I’ve wondered why none of his fellow travelers in the skeptic sphere ever ask him to dial down his paranoid rants against Democrats and environmentalists. I never got an answer, which I suppose…Continue Reading…

Raise Your Hand

If you are one of “a great many people” who were once believers in catastrophic GW [global warming] and are now skeptical. I keep reading variations of this line expressed by readers on various blogs, and it’s purely anecdotal. Also, a “great many” people who converted from believers to skeptics because of why? I’ve also…Continue Reading…

The Love-Bunny of the Greens

Bishop Hill latches on to this post, which catches up with a two-month old wet kiss to China from James Hansen, all which leads a Bish commenter to sarcastically (and rightly) note: The way China has become the “˜love-bunny’ of the greens is indeed funny, its human rights records is still awful, its building coal…Continue Reading…

Feral Deniers

A wildlife ecologist seeks to tame them.

Oprah & Climate Change

This Guardian piece made me wonder: what if Oprah Winfrey, during her long-running and hugely influential daytime talk show (which is ending this year) had devoted a fraction of air time to sustainability and climate change issues that she spent on promoting dubious, New Age medical cures? Given that Oprah often vaults books and health…Continue Reading…

The Other Energy Battle

It’s on: …the giants of the world’s energy armies are preparing.

The Climate Gulag

Last year, I found this commercial hilarious (unlike many greens and climate concerned). So I find this new British sketch similarly funny (and it appears that the inclusion of the lame laugh track is to make sure we know it’s humor). I’m sure some of the paranoids in the skeptic wing will view this video…Continue Reading…

A Climate Proposal

A self-proclaimed left/liberal/Democrat extends an olive branch to Republicans and climate skeptics: Yes, I have the perception that your side is worse.  Yes, I understand that your side has the perception that my side is worse.  Great.  Can we both agree to back off a little? We’ll continue to try to make the case that…Continue Reading…

Spy vs Spy

This story at desmogblog reminds me of that classic Mad magazine cartoon. That’s because the CIA today is treating climate change seriously, while one of its supposed former spooks is chasing shadows. I say supposed, because what self-respecting spy goes around publicly advertising himself as a “CIA counter-terrorism operations expert”?