Why Some Science Blogs Rock
This is not the Donald Duck I grew up with! Oh, lordy, Carl Zimmer peels back the curtain on freaky duck sex. And not just the evolutionary scoop. He’s got slow motion video, too. All set up by this killer lede:
There comes a time in every science writer’s career when one must write about glass duck vaginas and explosive duck penises.
Great, next time I’m in the Magic Kingdom, I’m keeping Donald and Daisy away from the kids.
C’mon, Keith, with just a little creativity you can turn this into yet another story about conflict among environmentalists.
You really should get a life, Steve.
Hey, *I* don’t have a blog.
having read this blog on an infrequent basis, I think it’s you, keith, who needs to get a life. I mean, seriously, and all.