Blood is Thicker than Crankery
There’s an interesting food fight taking place at ScienceBlogs. Orac is dismayed that Coby Beck allowed his father to “hijack” his blog with this “case against flouride” post.
Orac is all over the irony of this. I have to agree. It’s akin to Coby handing over his blog to an anti-vaxxer.
Sigh. What do you actually know about fluoride?
On what basis do you choose Orac, a surgeon/scientist over Beck, a medical doctor, he is a retired professor of biophysics?
What criteria are YOU, Keith Kloor, actually using to make your decision?
Keith, more cranks are coming out and saying there is too much fluoride in our water. Difficulty: it’s the US Dept. of Health, the EPA, the CDC, and the POE.
Apropos and FWIW this chart is very interesting, if you choose to believe it:
(Note: it comes from Fluoride Alert. At first I thought it was from Florida Alert.)
HD, 1.2 mg of Flouride per liter to 0.7, today per HHS.
er, yesterday.