At the Climate Crossroads
It has to be tough for climate hawks today, as the unmistakable truth of their abandonment by President Obama sinks in. As a longtime Blues fan, I can appreciate their pain and want to do what I can to ease their suffering.
But first, I ask my fellow New Yorkers and fellow Blues fanatics to bow their heads in a moment of appreciative silence for the raucous Lonestar Cafe and the gritty Dan Lynch’s, (where I first saw The Holmes Brothers before they got big), two institutions of blues power now long gone.
Back to the matter at hand. This is a somber time for climate hawks who are in deep mourning today. They have the blues. So here’s the first classic that might be a good starting point, in terms of coping with their anger at President Obama:
Then they should go right back to Albert for soothing:
For some perspective, I suggest Howlin’ Wolf here:
Now, we must recognize that there’s no going forward without help from B.B. King:
Should climate hawks be unable to free themselves from the spell, they will undoubtedly soon arrive at the place where legend has it Robert Johnson sold his soul:
Being a good leader not only means doing something good, it means the ability to not do useless and stupid things.
The US has a good president. It may not have the ability to appreciate him.
Nice music!