Posts Tagged ‘climate science’

The Other Climate Heretic

MIT Climate scientist Kerry Emanuel is becoming increasingly outspoken about his alienation from the Republican party. Yesterday, he was interviewed on NPR and he spoke candidly on many of the current hot button topics. Here he is, angst-ridden over the direction of the GOP: I’m very distressed that Republicans, and I have always been a…Continue Reading…

The Braying Wolves

In the what-have-you-done-for-me-lately dept, I see that Fred Pearce is getting worked over by hysterics in the climate sphere. For the record, I’ve already stated several times (at my site) and over at Judith Curry’s blog that Pearce committed a boo-boo no-no in a recent blog post. Deltoid blows this up into “Pearcegate.” Stoat sinks…Continue Reading…

Buffoonery Masquerading as Journalism

So I’m curious to hear what climate skeptics think of James Delingpole’s shocking admission that he doesn’t have time to read peer reviewed climate science papers. (I think he said this with a straight face, too.) Delingpole said he relies instead on the “peer to peer” review that happens everyday on climate blogs. Well, no…Continue Reading…

"Denialism" is Different on the Left

That’s Chris Mooney’s assertion, that it hasn’t become associated with liberals in a monolithic way as it has with American conservatives, especially in the political sense: just because denialism occurs sometimes on the left does not mean that in the U.S. today”“and particularly in mainstream U.S. politics”“it’s predominantly a left wing phenomenon. Mooney goes on…Continue Reading…

The Bipartisan Climate Project

The overwhelming consensus is that President Obama hit all the right notes in his Tucson speech earlier this week. I know I was moved and inspired by it. On the one hand the President said, “let us remember it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy — it did not,” but…Continue Reading…

Bypassing the Climate Divide

Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus of the Breakthrough Institute advance their argument for a “third pathway” in the energy/climate debate. The two dominant sides, they assert, have  constructed increasingly baroque fantasies of the other. To partisan greens, skeptics are fossil fuel-funded and brainwashed planet killers too stingy to spend a postage stamp a day to…Continue Reading…

A Rare Climate Species

They don’t have much sway in the party of Limbaugh, but there is such a thing as gay Republicans, and a species known as Republicans for Environmental Protection. Cognitive dissonance aside, they’ve even been around for a while. But did you know there was also a rare breed of conservative climate scientists? There’s even a…Continue Reading…

Anthony Watts Award

People have been teeing off on this

Buying Political Time for Climate Action

Over at Real Climate, Ray Pierrehumbert has a meaty post that takes up this assertion by Ramanathan and Victor in their recent NYT op-ed: Reducing soot and the other short-lived pollutants would not stop global warming, but it would buy time, perhaps a few decades, for the world to put in place more costly efforts…Continue Reading…

Can We Buy Time?

Much of the discussion on the “low-hanging fruit” post revolved around a hypothetical question: would tackling secondary climate forcings (such as soot and methane) pave the way for stronger climate policies down the road, or further defray action on carbon dioxide, which happens to be the more pressing long-term threat? At this juncture, political and…Continue Reading…