Posts Tagged ‘Journalism’

Where's the Fight?

You want another reason why American newspapers are knocking at death’s door? They won’t take a stand on climate change. This according to media maven Michael Wolff, who notes that only one U.S. paper (the Miami Herald) signed on to that special Copenhagen editorial written by the Guardian and carried by 56 papers in 45…Continue Reading…

Climate Daggers

The seething anger directed at Andy Revkin (and the NYT)  from climate scientists and climate advocates continues to amaze me. On Saturday, Eric Steig at Real Climate vented through gritted teeth. On Sunday, Joe Romm got back in touch with his old self and let it rip. That same day, we saw the, ahem, unauthorized…Continue Reading…

Jon "Scoop" Stewart

He forces Hannity to apologize on the air for some creative video editing.

Ragin' Romm

[UPDATE: The Breakthrough Institute weighs in and issues a challenge to the media and climate advocates.] Okay, I was really hoping to leave all this unpleasant Joe Romm stuff behind. I’m gratified by the emails of support I’ve received from colleagues and the public show of support. (See here and here for two that I…Continue Reading…

Joe Romm Unloads on Me

In characteristic Romm fashion. In his post today, there’s way too many distortions of what I’ve written and who I am for me to respond in an off the cuff manner. I also don’t want that to eat up my Sunday. But because I’m a freelancer with all the job security of a…freelancer, I’ll take…Continue Reading…

Revkin the Rorschach

Noting this positive profile of Andy Revkin on NPR, a reader of Andrew Sullivan’s suggests there’s an upside to Limbaugh’s recent drive-by: Rush’s listeners were reading Revkin prior to his attack, but this NPR-listener is going to check out his blog. Well done Rush: You just gave Revkin a few thousand more readers. I noticed…Continue Reading…

Trash Journalism

Over my cornflakes this morning I was mulling this comment by Deltoid’s Tim Lambert, which he left in response to my criticism yesterday of Joe Romm, who is on the hot seat for claiming It is exceedingly common in regular journalism to ask people for a quote that makes a very specific point “” I’ve…Continue Reading…

Psst. Here's the Quote I'd Like

After being caught feeding a scientist a quote, Joe Romm impugns my profession with this rationalization (emphasis added): It is exceedingly common in regular journalism to ask people for a quote that makes a very specific point “” I’ve been asked many times by reporters to do similar things. I’ve never done this during my…Continue Reading…

The Age of Breathing Underwater

That’s the title of a fantastic piece by Chris Turner in the October issue of The Walrus, a Canadian magazine. He turns the typical environmental tale of crisis on its head, suggesting that, We need a new kind of story, a new template for our ecological philosophy “” one that acknowledges what we have lost…Continue Reading…

Scoop Romm

Our fearless climate hero is doing double duty as a reporter now. Determined to ice discussion of possible short-term temperature stabilization trends, Scoop Romm touts an “exclusive interview” he scored with Mojib Latif, a Germany-based climate scientist whose work and quotes have become blogosphere fodder for the contrarian crowd, in part because of these two…Continue Reading…