Posts Tagged ‘Journalism’

Garfield's Take on Romm: On the Money

On the Media’s Bob Garfield recently discussed the NY Times magazine’s Freeman Dyson profile with Joe Romm. You can count on Romenesko to capture the best moment in the exchange: ROMM: What The New York Times Magazine has done is elevate Dyson to a very high degree of credibility as a highly credible source on…Continue Reading…

The Value of Journalism

As the newspaper industry continues to crumble all around us, as papers continue to slash staff and/or close down entirely, the burning question remains: DuringĀ  the time it takes to create a new sustainable model, who will cover your community, your local government, the people that fall between the cracks of society, the agencies and…Continue Reading…

Wishful Thinking?

Michael Kinsley is confident that journalism will survive the great newspaper shakeout: If General Motors goes under, there will still be cars. And if the New York Times disappears, there will still be news. Sure, but who’s going to cover it?

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

In case you spent all of March in a monastery, Jay Rosen, one of the leading journalism innovators of the day, recaps the newspaper industry’s quickening death spasms. Or, to put it another way, he has sifted through the latest obits and analytical dissections from people who are trying to explain how we got here,…Continue Reading…

Throwing Journalists Overboard

Jeff Jarvis is arguably the most influential media blogger. I’ve been reading BuzzMachine habitually for years because Jarvis is in the vanguard of a revolution–one that will ultimately reinvent journalism for the digital age. His blog is a must-read for many in the industry. But like some of his critics, I blanch at his all…Continue Reading…

Joe Romm's Hairball

Uh oh, looks like Joe Romm has coughed up another media hairball. This time, it’s the New Yorker that has gone off message in Rommian land. So let’s say there are legitimate points of contention with this editorial by David Owen. All you Rommians surely must see how the “indispensable” one completely undermines himself when…Continue Reading…