Posts Tagged ‘anti-vaccine movement’

When History Fades

This headline to a book review in yesterday’s NYT made me think of a sideline conversation I had with Robert Lee Hotz last week. It was after the Amy Wallace talk at NYU, which Hotz, a science columnist for the WSJ, moderated.  We were chatting about the rise of the anti-vaccine movement. Hotz speculated that…Continue Reading…

Follow the Story

The crusading, hydra-headed anti-vaccine movement deserves more consistent coverage in the media. Here’s the title of today’s press release from the American Academy of Pediatrics: How the anti-vaccine movement threatens America’s children Paul Offit, a pediatrician and the author of “Autism’s False Prophets,” (who didn’t tour bookstores because of death threats he received from the…Continue Reading…

Disparate Anti-Science Forces

In case you missed the big news about the Lancet retraction, Daniel Drezner has the best meta post. He hints at the parallels between the anti-vaccine nuts, GMO opponents and climate change skeptics (strange bedfellows, aye?). I see it too, but I believe irrationality underlies the anti-vaccine movement while ideology drives the other two. Regardless,…Continue Reading…