Posts Tagged ‘Judith Curry’

Mission Impossible: Separating Science & Politics

David Roberts must not have received the memo that he was supposed to ignore Judith Curry. Seriously, Roberts has made a forceful argument in response to a recent Curry post, in which she wrote: Climate scientists have no particular expertise on politics, economics or social ethics. A scientist’s personal sense of values and morality has… Ordering Xanax Online Legal Continue Reading…

The Truth, Sourcwatch Style

This is priceless. The person responsible for researching and writing the SourceWatch page on Judith Curry has an odd way of gathering her information. For example, here are some questions she emailed Curry last night: Hello again Dr. Curry – People who know climate science are having trouble making sense of your critiques, and I… Continue Reading…

Curry the Apostate To fully understand the enduring Judith Curry Phenomenon, you have to appreciate the power of a storyline that is not much discussed: Curry as climate apostate. I realized this last year, after seeing some of the incredulous response to my first Q &A with Curry, which is why I immediately followed up in a second… Continue Reading…

The Climate Hawk Pledge On one thing David Roberts and I agree on: Grist has a sucky comment software. Seriously, David has written what he promises to be his last post on Climate Hawks, linking in a roundup to all the approving nods he got in the blogosphere, and the tiny minority of dissenters. Woe to ThingsBreak for sharing… Continue Reading…

The Judith Curry Phenomenon There’s a big profile of Judith Curry by Michael Lemonick in the November issue of Scientific American that, thankfully, is not behind a paywall. The piece is very well done–it’s actually more a dispassionate examination of what Lemonick calls “the two competing story lines” of the “Judith Curry phenomenon,” which are, on the surface at… Continue Reading…

The Tribal Outcast

If Judith Curry, a climate researcher at Georgia Tech, ever found herself marooned on an island, where the other inhabitants included a tribe of climate skeptics led by Anthony Watts and another tribe of climate scientists led by Gavin Schmidt (whose enforcer, despite being a physicist, was Joe Romm), she’d probably end up living alone… Continue Reading…

The Chasm

Best Price Xanax Online The robust debate between Gavin Schmidt and Judith Curry (here and here) appears to have run its course. It’s been a fairly technical discussion and mostly civil. And immensely frustrating, it seems, for both of them. Taking stock of the exchange, Gavin makes this observation: When smart and informed people see basically the same information… Continue Reading…

Gavin's Perspective UPDATE: Gavin Schmidt has won kudos from skeptics in the comments below, who appreciate his participation in the thread and his responses to their questions. There are two high-profile protagonists in the climate science community that are increasingly squaring off: Judith Curry and Gavin Schmidt. In an interview here yesterday, Curry elaborated on her most… Continue Reading…

The Curry Agonistes UPDATE: As with many of her previous appearances at this site, Judith Curry is an active participant in the comment thread below. Judith Curry, a climate scientist at Georgia Tech, has a knack for setting off tremors in the climate blogosphere. There was a lot of rumbling last week after Curry got into a rather… Continue Reading…

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Climate Jousters & Jesters

Cheapest Alprazolam Online Judith Curry is at it again. This time she’s mixing it up with the denizens of Climate Audit, including its host. She’s been active in some of the recent CA threads, jousting with McIntyre, but this duel on climate data is notable. I will say this: she’s treated more politely over there by folks who… Continue Reading… Can You Buy Xanax In India Xanax Australia Buy Online Xanax To Buy