Posts Tagged ‘biotechnology’

The Middle Ground

Staking out the middle ground in these polarized times is not an easy thing to do. I know this from experience. For example, I’m pretty comfortable with what science tells us about climate change. To me, there’s a cumulative body of evidence that rises to the level of concern. But I also realize there is…Continue Reading…

Critic of Pseudoscience = Defender of Industry?

If you follow the public debate on genetically modified foods, you know it’s become unhinged from reality. This is because green groups and influential voices in the food movement have allowed the fringe to hijack the conversation. Now that those furies have been let loose, it’s going to be that much harder to have a civil dialogue…Continue Reading…

Amid Sensationalist GMO Swamp, Stellar Journalism Rises

During any given week, most articles on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) follow a simplistic and/or sensationalistic storyline. For example, here’s last week’s cover story in The Village Voice: The Monsanto-Is-Evil theme is a media staple, as is the GMO-Foods-Are-Dangerous theme, of which magazines like Details and Elle are piggybacking on. (I recently discussed the latter example). Too often…Continue Reading…

A Refreshing, Freshly Squeezed GMO Story in the NYT

There is so much to admire about this New York Times story by Amy Harmon I don’t know where to begin. [UPDATE: This insightful take by Maggie Koerth-Baker at Boing Boing–which I excerpt below–captures what is remarkable about the piece.] So let’s start with a tweet from National Geographic’s executive environment editor Dennis Dimick: Must Read:…Continue Reading…

Elle Magazine Hops Aboard the GMO Fright Train

As I have previously observed, “the belief that GMO foods are deadly or potentially harmful” has come to dominate the public discourse on agricultural biotechnology. I suppose we can thank the whacky fringe elements for this (and their influential enablers). At this point, scientists and science-based communicators who engage in the biotech realm should be…Continue Reading…

Green America Takes on GMOs

As if the meaning of “natural” wasn’t already overly twisted for ideological and commercial purposes. Check out this campaign recently launched by the nonprofit Green America: Here’s the pitch: If you thought that one way to cut GMOs from your diet was to avoid foods with high-risk GMO ingredients, think again. Meat and dairy products, while not…Continue Reading…

Did You Know You Were Part of a Massive Science Experiment?

I have previously noted that the GMO labeling campaign in the United States is “couched as a consumer rights issue, but really it’s based on fear.” What are people afraid of? Let’s go to a recent op-ed by Linda Stender, a New Jersey politician who is sponsoring a state bill to label genetically modified foods….Continue Reading…

Getting Into the Weeds

Well, this is fun. Carl Zimmer has a piece on the biology of weeds in the New York Times. One of my go-to sources in this field tweeted his reaction: Perhaps the best (non-sensationalized) article about herbicide resistant weeds I’ve read: by @carlzimmer — Andrew Kniss (@WyoWeeds) July 15, 2013 I say this is fun…Continue Reading…

Is Grist Joining the Science-Based World on Biotechnology?

Several years ago, well before Mark Lynas made his famous public apology for being an anti-GMO activist, I asked him in an interview to explain his change of mind. What prompted it, I wondered. His response: There was no “Road to Damascus” conversion, where there’s a sudden blinding flash and you go, “Oh, my God,…Continue Reading…

*Is the UK's Mail in Bed with the GMO Devil?

No doubt you saw the big, history-making news out of England yesterday. No, not this: I’m talking about the pro-GMO piece in the Daily UK’s Mail, (by David Rose, of all people) titled: The great GM food hysteria: Do you believe eating genetically modified crops is like dining with the devil? No wonder- that’s exactly what apocalyptic eco-zealots…Continue Reading…