Posts Tagged ‘blogosphere’

Why Blog Comments Matter

Long-time readers know that I enjoy the vibrant forum they have helped create at Collide-a-Scape. Yes, I sometimes get cranky in the comment threads and yes, I sometimes dish out the snark as well as anyone. But I’m conscious of this behavior and I strive to lead by better example. Overall, I’m gratified by the…Continue Reading…

The Brushback

How interesting: I turn my site into a reader-friendly forum where all sides of the climate debate can meet and have a constructive and civil discussion, and suddenly my name is being dragged through the bloggy mud. Have we hit a nerve somewhere? The latest spate of notoriety is sufficiently negative to warrant a response….Continue Reading…

Our Uncivil Climate (Debate)

Maybe I’m whistling Dixie with this modest attempt to bridge the climate divide. Consider what Nicholas Kristof wrote last year, in an op-ed column titled, The Daily Me: there’s pretty good evidence that we generally don’t truly want good information “” but rather information that confirms our prejudices. We may believe intellectually in the clash…Continue Reading…

Journalism's Unbearable Paucity of Links

It’s bad enough when print magazines fail to use links when they migrate stories online. But it’s inexusable for online magazines. In this case, I’m referring specifically to Yale’s Environment 360. While reading Keith Schneider’s piece on Australia’s growing concerns about climate change, I found it so annoying that I couldn’t click to obvious avenues…Continue Reading…