Posts Tagged ‘geoengineering’

About That New Energy Revolution

Order Alprazolam Online Cod It’s not in the headlines or on the evening news, but there’s a big story that some people are discussing. And it’s going to get bigger and matter way more than the heat waves and extreme weather that everyone in climate circles is buzzing about this summer. To catch up on this story, you should… Continue Reading…

The Geoengineering Genie Are scientists eager (frantic?) to uncork it? The Guardian puts its spin on a scoop: Leaked documents ahead of key Lima meeting suggest UN body is looking to slow emissions with technological fixes rather than talks.

Climate Preservation The American Scholar is on a roll with provocative climate change-related essays in consecutive issues. The summer issue has a brilliant coverline, “The Earth Doesn’t Care if You Drive a Hybrid,” touting this essay by Stanford physicist Robert Laughlin. People on opposite ends of the climate debate will likely find much to agree and disagree… Order Alprazolam Pills Continue Reading…

Climate Fixes & Morality It’s soooo interesting when science and ethics collide. Especially when Nature is involved. Thanks to environmental historians like William Cronon and Stephen Pyne, and ecologists such as Emily Russell, we know that humans have been manipulating nature for a long, long time. It’s not as if we suddenly learned how to live in a fetid… Continue Reading…

The Zero Sum Climate Game Michael Tobis is to be applauded for being open to the idea of geoengineering,  but he’s delusional if he thinks the climate activist community is also open to it. In my post yesterday, I argued that, for climate activists, any discussion of climate adaptation is an unwelcome distraction from the debate at hand on mitigation…. Continue Reading…

Dumbing Down Geoengineering Talk More proof that environmentalists can’t chew gum and talk about climate adaptation at the same time comes in this post from David Roberts at Grist. The cognitive dissonance from this crowd continues to amaze me. As we learned earlier this year, the carbon load already in the atmosphere is projected to lead to irreversible climate… Continue Reading… Buy 3Mg Xanax Online Order Xanax From Mexico How To Buy Real Xanax Online