Posts Tagged ‘newspapers’

Delusionary in Kos-land

Kos is kidding himself: In the unlikely and tragic event that every single newspaper went out of business today, we’d have little problem replacing them as a source of information. Sure you would.  Here’s the problem with his metric: Just because a link from his survey didn’t lead to a documented primary or secondary newspaper…Continue Reading…

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

In case you spent all of March in a monastery, Jay Rosen, one of the leading journalism innovators of the day, recaps the newspaper industry’s quickening death spasms. Or, to put it another way, he has sifted through the latest obits and analytical dissections from people who are trying to explain how we got here,…Continue Reading…

Throwing Journalists Overboard

Jeff Jarvis is arguably the most influential media blogger. I’ve been reading BuzzMachine habitually for years because Jarvis is in the vanguard of a revolution–one that will ultimately reinvent journalism for the digital age. His blog is a must-read for many in the industry. But like some of his critics, I blanch at his all…Continue Reading…