Posts Tagged ‘risk’

Why is Nassim Taleb So Venomous on Twitter?

Watching Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan and other books, engage on twitter, is like being ringside at a verbal boxing match with the intellectual equivalent of Clubber Lang, the snarling, contemptuous boxer played by Mr. T in Rocky 3. In the movie, Clubber Lang was so mean and nasty the performance was almost a…Continue Reading…

A Fishy Story

Some media outlets have picked up on a new study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. (More on that coverage in a minute.) Here’s the headline from the Oregon State University press release:   Study finds only trace levels of radiation from Fukushima in albacore The scientists seemed to make sure their results were put…Continue Reading…

How to Talk to Vaccine-Hesitant Parents

This tweet from today caught my eye: One picture that will convince everyone to vaccinate their kids — ThinkProgress (@thinkprogress) April 8, 2014 The smart folks at ThinkProgress seem to have missed all the media coverage of this recent study, which found that, for those already suspicious or concerned about vaccines, images of sick children…Continue Reading…

The Anguished GMO Debate

Just for kicks, take a guess when Michael Specter wrote this in the New Yorker: If the politics of genetically modified food has never been so anguished, the scientific prospects have never seemed more promising. The answer and his superb piece can be found here. Consider: Since his article appeared, the angry politics of genetically modified…Continue Reading…

Our Skewed Risk Perception of Nuclear Power

You may have heard, as Scientific American reports, that the “U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) voted to allow construction of two new nuclear reactors” in Georgia. It’s a pretty big deal, since Jimmy Carter was President the last time a commercial reactor was approved. As the LA Times notes, the new Georgia plant is supposed to…Continue Reading…

When Fearmongering is Harmful

Question: What do earthquakes in Washington D.C. have to do with brain cancer and cell phones? You can find the answer in this excellent interview with a scientist at BoingBoing. Meanwhile, over at Stoat’s thread on this cell phone/brain cancer issue, here’s a great observation that has not yet been made in any of the discussions,…Continue Reading…