Posts Tagged ‘state of the union’

He's Got a Point

We can’t win the snowstorm. How can we win the future? That’s the teaser to this WTF post by a blogger with the best tagline: How The World Is Really Run

At the Climate Crossroads

It has to be tough for climate hawks today, as the unmistakable truth of their abandonment by President Obama sinks in. As a longtime Blues fan, I can appreciate their pain and want to do what I can to ease their suffering. But first, I ask my fellow New Yorkers and fellow Blues fanatics to…Continue Reading…

Fade to Black

If presidential State of the Union addresses are a political barometer of sorts, then check this out for historical perspective: Here’s President Clinton in 1998 Our overriding environmental challenge tonight is the worldwide problem of climate change, global warming, the gathering crisis that requires worldwide action. The vast majority of scientists have concluded unequivocally that…Continue Reading…